Saturday, March 1, 2008

Metropolitan Home 03/2008

All three of these images were taken from the March 2008 issue of Metropolitan Home. I love scavanging through magazines to find out the latest trends in picture frames! This issue had some fun things that I couldn't resist sharing and commenting on!

Minus the dog, I love this room! I could definately see myself sleeping here...well, maybe if it had a different chair. Notice the way the pictures are grouped on the far wall. They are all different sizes but have the same mat and frame, lending uniformity. They are hung with each side touching it's neighbor and perfectly centered along a single horizontal line. It adds interest without being distracting. So classically elegant!

Now just try and come into my gallery and tell me you don't have enough wall space!!!

These four photos are framed in classic, single white mats with closed corner, hand gilded frames. Setting them on a custom shelf rather than just hanging them on the wall just kicks it up one notch further.

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